IniTempe Improves Operational Efficiency for Local Food Production with Mekari Jurnal

Inspired by his love of fried tempe, Benny Santoso launched his brand called IniTempe by producing tempe-based foods. Starting with its own production, now IniTempe already has two warehouses and can be found in more than 40 restaurants and shops.


Manual recording in the production process is not carried out properly so that the stock often runs out suddenly. This also affects the sales to business plan due to the disrupted delivery schedule.


Mekari Jurnal as an online accounting software helps record transactions automatically and regularly. With stock integration in product and inventory features, stock management becomes more accurate and production processes are more planned.

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Industrial Sector


Company Size

Small Enterprise


Bali, Jabodetabek, Bandung, Banjar Baru

Number of Branches


IniTempe was founded initially from a college assignment and is now entering the fifth year. Starting from his love for fried tempe which was often eaten as a child, Benny Santoso started trying to establish his brand IniTempe by producing tempe-based foods. 

The raw materials are taken from tempe farmers around Central Java and Bali. Initially self-produced and now has two warehouses. In Bali, IniTempe can be found in more than 40 restaurants and shops. In addition, IniTempe can also be found in Greater Jakarta, Bandung, Balikpapan to Banjar Baru.

This food manufacturing company also sells not only to end customers through websites and marketplaces, but also directly to businesses. The products are also diverse and unique, Benny and his team produce processed tempe creations into pastries such as chocolate, chips, cookies to protein balls.


The manual recording system is an issue for IniTempe

Benny feels that the manual recording system is one of the obstacles in his business. At first, he had difficulty finding human resources who understood detailed accounting and finance. Human resources are limited to produce reliable financial reports. So it is difficult to know the current business conditions.

One of the main issues of manual recording is in the production process. The IniTempe team checked manually. Recording was sometimes not done properly so that the stock suddenly ran out. This also affects sales to business plans because the delivery schedule is disrupted.

Because of data production that is made manually, management does not know how much raw material to order. Orders for the purchase of raw materials are also made suddenly so that it does not hamper the production process. IniTempe’s production process is often delayed. 

In addition, inventory management between the center and branches are also quite crucial. With the number of distributors in the tens, every month from this branch, Tempe will issue a report which will be followed up by the team for payment processing and stock checks. 

Knowing the current business conditions, because the process of making financial reports is quite difficult and long, so it takes time. Previously, they still used manual bookkeeping with books and calculators, so if something was to be changed, it had to be recalculated one by one and was time consuming.


Digital Transformation Becomes One of the Solutions to Increase Production Efficiency

Starting from using manual bookkeeping, Benny felt that he needed technology assistance to accelerate his business processes. Digital transformation is also one of the answers for local brands that produce traditional processed foods to become modern. IniTempe also started trying to use accounting software such as Mekari Jurnal to help make bookkeeping simpler in 2020. 

Initially, the bookkeeping at iniTempe was assisted by the b2b admin who was also tasked with working on financial reports. However, due to overload and the resulting bookkeeping took quite a long time. Finally, Benny decided to use Mekari Jurnal and assigned 1 special person to help input Mekari Jurnal.

That way, efficiency in human resources can be achieved, because Benny doesn’t need to recruit many teams to do the bookkeeping, with Mekari Jurnal, only one person is needed to help inputing data. This is possible because all calculations are carried out by the system.

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Eliminate the hassle of your business production with Mekari Jurnal

Improve operational efficiency with the Product & Inventory feature from Mekari Jurnal.

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Practicality Is What He Feels After Doing Digital Transformation

When sharing his experience of switching from manual bookkeeping to using online accounting software, Benny feels that the main benefit is practicality in terms of usage. Now by using an online bookkeeping system, the recording of transactions at this Tempe Bali is more organized and neat. So, when there is data needed for reporting or tracking a transaction, it is felt much easier.

Since using Mekari Jurnal, the recording of production results can be more closely monitored. The results are seen in detail so that the production schedule is more organized according to the system. The number of IniTempe products is produced according to the plan. No more items that suddenly run out and delivery can be faster because the goods are ready to be sent.

“We don’t need to create our own system. So, we follow the Jurnal system, the stock in and stock out system, customer payments to the terms of payment. Without the Jurnal system, it will be difficult to manage the system and the people. ” added Benny, the owner of IniTempe Bali.

Report generation is very fast. The team can also find out sales trends and the best-selling products. As a result, business owners can use their time to create innovations and business strategies.

Currently, IniTempe uses the Starter package and Benny’s team often uses almost all features in the Jurnal such as sales, purchase, expense, contact, cash & bank, and reports. He also feels that the reminder feature for invoicing is very helpful for payments.

“When compared to before using Mekari Jurnal, it is indeed much different, transactions are more orderly and accurate, thereby minimizing errors during bookkeeping compared to recording after production manually before using the system.” said Benny Santoso, owner of IniTempe.


The role of Mekari Jurnal in IniTempeBusiness Process

Benny Santoso initially learned about this software from a fellow businessman who also uses automated bookkeeping solutions. Both feel that everything is recorded automatically so that profitability and financial condition can be clearly seen. These are some of the roles of the online accounting system of Mekari Jurnal that are perceived by iniTempe:

Building more effective business systems and processes Business

processes can run according to the systems and guidelines in the Jurnal system. Starting from sales and purchase transactions, via PO, receipt of delivery of goods, to payments.

Assisting to make production plans more accurate

IniTempe production is more scheduled in the system so that the number of goods produced is not too much and not too little. The delivery schedule can also be faster because the goods have been produced on time. 


stock management at product and inventory features help IniTempe to manage their business with the integration between the stock in the store and the stock in Mekari Jurnal. That way, IniTempe team can cross check if there is a mismatch.

Creating work efficiency

With the help of automatic calculations from the Jurnal, the resulting data is more accurate. In addition, work efficiency can also be achieved thereby increasing productivity for the IniTempe team. 

The efficiency resulting from the Jurnal system’s ability to process data from many branches and integrate with various banks is the key to simplicity that is part of IniTempe Bali’s digital transformation.

Manufacturing businesses that still use manual bookkeeping can experience similar problems with the complexities of production they face. Like IniTempe, you can start your digital transformation with the help of Mekari Jurnal.

With eight excellent features, from accounting to taxation, Mekari Jurnal provides automated bookkeeping solutions. With a cloud technology system, you can process all transactions in real-time. Get financial reports in minutes. With reliable data and systems, you will experience the ease of doing business and business development. 

Try Jurnal for free now. 

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