Haven’t found what you’re looking for?
Accurate automatic recording from the best Accounting application
Manage your financial reports with more strategic analysis and insight
Simplify your Accounting process with integration of various platforms
Learn how Mekari partnership program can accelerate business growth
One integrated software for managing transactions, bookkeeping, and financial report generation, ensuring accuracy and work automation
Reliable, automated from the best accounting platform
Monitor business performance
Integrated financial recording
Optimize online transaction
Monitor operational costs
Sync transactional records
Convert various currencies
Unify financial reports
Integrated tax management
Bookkeeping and reports are connected to invoicing, inventory, and warehouse activities
Integrate seamlessly with POS, e-commerce, banks, and other custom systems to Mekari Jurnal
Send invoices via link, email, or WhatsApp to speed up the payment process
Monitor various business performance from profit and loss to product profitability reports
Restrict access capabilities, create, edit, and perform other actions for each user based on their permissions
Platform with an intuitive and user-friendly interface
“I can see financial reports and project forecasts for the next two years. Having insights into our total assets, outstanding receivables, and overall sales allows us to envision the future more clearly. This information guides me in making informed decisions for the business expansion”
An accounting program is software that is made to process a calculation for accounting, from collecting data transactions to resulting in a financial report automatically. The results are fast and accurate and can be accessed through devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones.
Through accounting programs, a long and complex accounting process will be simplified and easy to do at an affordable price.
With the help of a computerized accounting program, the management and accounting process for business can be done with ease and automatically.
An accounting program can also manage your financial data in a short period, so your company can save time and do the cost-efficiency in supporting your business growth.
The main features of the accounting program Mekari Jurnal are bookkeeping, sales and purchases modules, and asset management. These three main features will help a company to scale up its business in a fast and modern way.
There are also other features such as invoice management, product stock, and business reports.
Computerized accounting is the usage of computer and accounting software to record, keep, and analyze financial data in result for a financial report that can help to make a business decision.
While computerization is the change of processing data mechanism from manual to automated using the computer.
Before you decide to subscribe or choose which online accounting programs are the best, please try a free trial here, or if you already know which package to choose, see the complete pricing from Mekari’s Jurnal package here.
If you are using Android or iOS, you can download the app at this link below:
Download Android accounting program Download iOS accounting program
Let us automate the accounting and financial processes of your business and you can move forward with confidence
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