Integration with POS and e-commerce

Enhance efficiency with automatic bookkeeping from your sales system

Manage sales faster with POS and e-commerce integration in Mekari Jurnal for accurate bookkeeping.

Mekari Jurnal - Integrasi - POS & E-Commerce

Trusted by 35,000+ businesses in Southeast Asia

Optimize business with automatic
synchronization to sales system

Mekari Jurnal

Improve the accuracy of financial reports

Sales data from POS and e-commerce is automatically synchronized to reduce human error and ensure the accuracy of financial reports.

Mekari Jurnal

Identify sales trends faster in real-time

Automated input allows financial data to be quickly obtained and monitored, helping you identify sales trends in real-time.

Mekari Jurnal

More efficient with automatic data analysis

Tagging and automatic analysis help you compare outlet performance, analyze data accurately, and make more informed decisions.

Efficient financial operations by automating marketplace
transaction data management


Fast and accurate visibility of each outlet's sales

  • Integrated with 10 reliable POS systems
  • Transaction and product data in invoices are automatically synched with financial and inventory reports
  • Manage and analyze data and performance of each outlet optimally with the tagging feature
Mekari Jurnal - Integrasi - POS

Monitor online sales daily directly from your accounting software

  • Receive and monitor sales invoices in the system directly
  • Effortless sales analysis with the tagging feature (e.g., offline vs. online sales)
  • Easy integration by logging in to the seller account, without API
Mekari Jurnal - Integrasi - E-Commerce

Whats new Mekari Jurnal integration feature
with POS and e-commerce

Mekari Jurnal

Automatic bookkeeping

Transaction data at POS and e-commerce is integrated for faster and more accurate bookkeeping.

Mekari Jurnal

Synchronization with reports

All incoming transactions are synchronized with financial and inventory reports.

Mekari Jurnal

Monitor activities online

Online dashboard helps to access employee activities and performance at any time, anywhere.

Mekari Jurnal

Seamless business activities

Flexible reports and automatic analysis help make more accurate business decisions.

Mekari Jurnal

Secure and certified integration

Certified with international standard data security to prevent data misuse.

Mekari Jurnal

Thorough integration services

Guidance and assistance from Mekari Jurnal team for your smooth integration process.

Manage business seamlessly with
Mekari Jurnal integration

Integrate Mekari Jurnal with numerous platforms for various needs
such as recording transactions or payment.

  • Point of Sales (POS)
  • Direct bank
  • Jurnal channel
  • Omnichannel
  • Hospitality
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Medical
Point of Sales (POS)
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Moka POS

PT Moka Teknologi Indonesia
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


PT Generasi Inspirasi Informatika
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Olsera POS

PT Olsera Indonesia Pratama
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Quinos POS

PT Quinos POS Teknologi
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


PT Alphanovation Digital Teknindo
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Popcorn POS

PopCorn Tech
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Intersoft Solutions
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Oktopus Solutions
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

HelloBill POS

PT Nova Teknologi Awani
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Cuscapi Berhad
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Direct bank
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Bank Mandiri

PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk.
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Bank BCA

PT Bank Central Asia Tbk 
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Bank BNI

PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk.
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Bank Danamon

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Bank CIMB Niaga

PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk
Jurnal channel
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Raptor POS Pte Ltd
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Mekari Jurnal - Integration


PT Forstok Teknologi Indonesia
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

PT Ayo Techno Idea
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


PT Lingkar Niaga Solusindo
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

Book and Link

Bookandlink Pte. Ltd.
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Cyberville eServices Pte Ltd
Supply Chain Management
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


PT Simpli Inovatif Mandiri
Mekari Jurnal - Integration

PT. Ethix Distribusi Nusantara
Mekari Jurnal - Integration


Trustmedis Indonesia
View more
Permata Berlian - Michelle CMO

“I can look at financial reports and make forecasts for the next two years. We already know how many stores we can expand, how many teams we can recruit with this amount of budget. We know total assets, total receivables, and total sales which can help us see the future more sharply. So I know what to do to expand this business.”

Michelle Chyntia
CMO PT Permata Berlian Perkasa
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