Haven’t found what you’re looking for?
Accurate automatic recording from the best Accounting application
Manage your financial reports with more strategic analysis and insight
Simplify your Accounting process with integration of various platforms
Learn how Mekari partnership program can accelerate business growth
No need to spend time longer to create financial reports. Get the data and make business decision based on integrated reports
Manual bookkeeping has a higher risk of human error. Inaccurate bookkeeping also makes it difficult for the owner to oversee the latest condition
Creating a manual financial report requires high effort and a long time
Miscalculation often happen in manual bookkeeping due to human error
Management is having difficulty overseeing sales trend due to manual bookkeeping
Find impactful weekly or monthly business insight instantly. Integrated and real-time data
Measure business success throughout the period of time fast with Business & Financial Report. No need to wait for long report creation.
Do bookkeeping twice faster than usual. Use Accounting feature to ease the end of month bookkeeping
“With a real-time and up-to-date financial report, I can find out the latest financial condition, because everything is accessible in Mekari Jurnal dashboard. Every report is available on one platform, and can be accessed by people from other divisions as well.”
Find out your whole business profitability periodically. With real-time and integrated data on one dashboard
Monitor operational costs for every project so it doesn’t go over budget. Get real-time expenses data
Record, track and manage cost and tech expenses easily with the Expense feature. No more unknown costs.
Group the transaction based on categories such as project, branch, or others. Manage it based on your needs using a tagging feature.
Input the data and get automated bookkeeping without having to do manual calculation through the Accounting feature.
“Monitoring purchase and expenses data are easier through Mekari Jurnal, Travelio can see the chart of accounts and banks with the total amount of balance from the holding accounts. Business development becomes more controlled and well measured.”
With automated calculation for every transaction, the calculation becomes more accurate. Use the tagging feature to mark certain project
Get the ability to monitor your whole business thoroughly with integrated data
Enjoy the ease of overseeing the whole business process with standardized bookkeeping in every branch. Get consolidated reports instantly
Learn the sales trend with Business Performance Dashboard. Find out which is the best-selling product throughout the period.
“Executive Director and Regional Leader from Travelio can monitor the business real-time without having to request a financial report or cash flow report first. This gives Travelio a space to move more agile and focus on developing our business.”
Make the right business decision supported by accurate real-time data
Packages that are suitable for businesses with multi-warehousing, multi-currency and API integration needs
Set the most profitable payment scheme for your business
Learn the contribution of every product to business’s profit in general
Steps for accounting automation that is given by Mekari Jurnal is helping Travelio to process business faster and more efficient. Cashflow records and report creation that took 2 whole days, now can be done within minutes
Amount of hotel and property inventories in Travelio that is managed using Mekari Jurnal
The technology industry is a business field that deals with technological products such as the internet, telecommunications, software and hardware, semi-conductors, e-commerce and computer-based services or other devices.
Examples of technology-based companies are Mekari, Mekari Jurnal, Talenta by Mekari, KlikPajak by Mekari.
The fast-paced and modern technology industry requires a system that is also up-to-date to help technology-based companies complete all work related to accounting, bookkeeping, financial reports, inventory of goods more accurately, safely, quickly, automatically and more organized.
Software that is integrated with other components in a technology company will make it easier for businesses to run more structured. In addition, software that can be accessed anytime and anywhere is the right answer to help technology businesses grow.
Mekari Jurnal provides a free trial service for you to use, and furthermore, the cheapest price for the Jurnal is at Rp199,000 – see all the packages suitable for technology companies.
Mekari Jurnal is a multi-functional accounting software that has been trusted by many companies, including technology-based companies. To find out more, see on the home page what are the main benefits of Mekari Jurnal.
For those of you who want to try the Mekari Jurnal application for free for 14 days, you can register here.
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