Business & Financial Reports

Make the right business decision based on financial report software

Get high-impact insight in real-time about your business performance. Take decisions more accurate with the financial reporting program

Trusted by 35,000+ businesses in Southeast Asia

Why do businesses use Mekari Jurnal Business & Financial Reports

asset insight

Real-time update for reports

Real-time update for every time there is a transaction

instant reporting process

Instant report creation

Automatic calculation for every report without manual data processing

strategy and scheduling

Easy to implement business insights

With 30+ templates report that can be used and modified based on your needs

More accurate decision with the best financial report program

Eliminate uncertainties in business

Use reliable reports for every business decision

  • Direct synchronization with bookkeeping data made it possible for real-time monitoring.
  • International standard of safety with ISO 27001 for peace of mind so business owner doesn’t need to worry
  • Get reports in any format anywhere anytime without having to wait at the end of the month or go to the office.
Data Pemenuhan penjualan

Eliminate the time to make financial reports up to 50%

Input data without error within minutes

  • Check historical data easier with features such as filter or group tag transactions.
  • Direct synchronization with bookkeeping for a faster and practical data recapitulation.
  • Faster data tracking for all documents is centralized on one system.
Mekari Jurnal

Monitor business performance with ease

Read reports without confusion

  • Completed with visual graphics to make it easier for business owners to read reports.
  • Compare performance per period with ease using filter feature for monthly to yearly comparison.
  • Strategic level data for business so the business owner can monitor the condition on a single glance.
Mekari Jurnal

Various features for seamless generating reports

menu upload

Business performance dashboard

Monitor your business performance anywhere

pertukaran mata uang

Complete template reports

Easy to use report for every business needs

atur mata uang

Financial data consistency

Automatic synchronization generates reports and charts according to the current financial conditions

sinkron mata uang

Real-time reports

Updated automatically real-time

Access control

Limit access, edit, and other action capabilities based on each users job roles

No learning curve

No learning curve

Platform with an intuitive and user-friendly interface

Yudi Tukiaty ~ Bardi

“Accounting defines your business. The integrated reconciliation feature and bank statement import with well-known banks are helpful for us. No transactions go unnoticed by the accounting department.”

Yudi Tukiaty
Co-founder & Chief Partnership and Strategic Officer


What is business financial management software?

Business financial management software is a system created to help businesses manage their financial operations efficiently including accounting, budgeting, forecasting, cash flow management, financial analysis, and reporting.

A financial report is a formal document that provides an overview of the financial performance and position of a company over a specific period of time.

With financial report software, you can save time, avoid miscalculation and the calculation and report creation will be safer, faster, and easier.

There are several types of financial reports such as profit and loss report, capital statement report, balance sheet, cash flow report, and the notes of financial report.

You can find all the types of financial reports above in financial report software such as Mekari Jurnal

You can download and get the free trial version to try all Jurnal features. You can download Jurnal free trial version on this page

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