Discussing self-care such as skin care, is not only about women. Now, men are also doing self-care to improve their physical appearance. Starting from wanting to build awareness about self-development in men, Gamal Men is present through the GAMAL Youtube channel. Not only discussing self-care, Gamal Men also educates Indonesian people to maximize their potential. Gamal Men believes that all men have the right and can get the highest value for themselves. With the vision of maximizing the potential of every man to become a GAMAL, GANteng MAximaL (Maximum Handsome), Gamal Men presents the 10 best curated brands on the market. Gamal Men’s at a Glance After getting an overwhelming response, Gamal Men started to build its business base as a retail company with a platform that sells skin and hair care products for men. With more than 10 local brands, both Haum, HMNS, Avoskin, and Skin Game, as well as international brands such as USTRA from India, Gamal Men sells its products on application platforms, websites and marketplaces. Gamal Men has two warehouses in Jakarta and Surabaya. All sales run online directly to the end user. The products also vary from face wash, face scrub, face cream, face mask, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, acne treatment to perfume. While the products for hair are hair cream, hair conditioner, shampoo and hair serum. The Manual Recording Process Becomes One of the Issues for Gamal Men As a platform to maximize the potential of men, Gamal Men sells directly to end customers online. The process starts from collecting data from e-commerce, apps and websites. After that, the finance team will collect data to make sales, inventory, also capital reports. The resulting report will be used as the basis for sales targets for the following month. The biggest challenge for Gamal Men is that the team has to collect data from several channels/platforms. Every day there is sales data and stock data that needs to be pulled from the website, apps or marketplace, so it requires a big effort. The collection of stock data, sales, from orders that enter the marketplace also takes a lot of time, especially the data is separated in each channel. Gamal Men uses excel/ spreadsheet manually for bookkeeping. “It took about two weeks for the data collection. If it’s manual, to find out how much inventory comes out, and total sales, we can’t know in real-time or quickly. So it hinders to make strategic planning for the next month.” said Wanda Zafirah, Gamal Men’s Finance Accounting Supervisor Simplify your business bookkeeping with Mekari Jurnal Bookkeeping is faster and more practical with accounting automation from Mekari Jurnal. Free trial Mekari Jurnal to Support Sales Strategy Development Gamal Men started using Mekari Jurnal in August 2021. They decided to use the Enterprise package from Mekari Jurnal, so there was no need to recap one by one from each platform for its online store. The online shop business, which has many products with high demand from customers, causes the work pace at Gamal Men to move rapidly. Management feels the need for a system that can calculate HPP quickly. In addition, the team also wants to use an automated system that can save time in recapitulating data across multiple platforms. With the automatic calculation feature and integrated with various platforms, Gamal Men feels that using Mekari Jurnal speeds up the recap time because it is done automatically and data can be retrieved instantly. Gamal Men’s finance team also doesn’t have to worry about the database being damaged or lost, and it can be done from different computers and laptops. In managing its online store, the team uses stock, warehouse, and tagging management features to divide transactions based on Gamal Men and Mr Brewok products. As for stock and warehouse management, all stock is physically collected in Jakarta, after that it is sent/transferred to Surabaya. To facilitate stock management with various SKUs, Gamal Men also uses a warehouse transfer list system to manage stock in warehouses in Jakarta and Surabaya. So, Gamal Men can find out the amount of stock in real-time in each warehouse and know the position of each item. Report Generation Time Reduced By 50% After Using the System “I feel that the Jurnal is very helpful for people who have never used online software. First, in terms of saving time, when manually using Excel, we make Jurnal one by one. As for the HPP report, the Jurnal is very helpful because we can immediately know how much HPP is from the sales Jurnal that we import.” said Wanda Zafirah, Gamal Men’s Finance Accounting Supervisor With the existence of Mekari Jurnal, because sales data is more real-time, Gamal Men’s management can see product discounts, inventory, HPP clearly. So the team can determine the sales target plan for the next month. Planning becomes more accurate with reliable data and reports. Business insights such as best-selling products also help the team to create more precise business strategies. While the financial and business report features are used for profit and loss statements and transaction data which are separated by category so that it is more clearly visible. At first, Gamal Men needed time to make reports and recaps about 2 weeks after the data was collected. The data collected is the period of 1-30 from the beginning to the end. Before using the system, the report was ready for use on the 15th of the following month, because the team needed about 2 weeks to process the transactions in Excel into reports that could be used. Once there is a Jurnal, the preparation of reports and data recaps can be completed within 1 week, thus saving time because it can already be done on the 7th of the following month. If there are not many pending transactions, it can be faster up to 2-3 days after the closed book date. Jurnal really help us to save time. Wanda Zafirah, Gamal Men’s Finance Accounting Supervisor. In addition, Gamal Men’s management also felt that the migration process was easy and the fast response from the CS team really helped the migration process. The process of importing data from Excel to the Jurnal is assisted by the after sales team with clear guidelines. Online store businesses that still use manual bookkeeping can experience similar problems with the large number of channels they have. The manual recording process also has the risk of miscalculation. In addition, reports that are not real-time and not integrated make it difficult for management to monitor sales trends. Like Gamal Men, you can start doing more practical automatic bookkeeping with the help of Mekari Jurnal. With features for stock management that can help you manage stock in various warehouses. You can also search data instantly in minutes with transaction grouping. Sales data can also be obtained without the need for manual reconciliation with direct integration into marketplaces such as Tokopedia, Shopee to Forstok. Find interesting business insights instantly and create online store business innovations with Mekari Jurnal. The decisions taken are more precise because they are supported by reliable real-time data.