Multi Outlet

Gain full control over every branch

Mekari Jur
  • Consolidate error-free accounting
  • All transactions at each outlet will be recorded automatically
  • Easily analyze and manage all business activities at each branch

Join more than 20,000 companies that have transformed their business with Mekari Jurnal

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  • Mekari Jurnal
  • Mekari Jurnal
  • Mekari Jurnal
  • Mekari Jurnal
  • Mekari Jurnal
  • Mekari Jurnal
  • Mekari Jurnal

Get up to 30% discount for multi-branch businesses

Easily manage multi-branch businesses by providing one Mekari Jurnal account for each branch. Get special pricing by subscribing to more than one account at a time.

Pro (>10 accounts)

Get implementation and training assistance and a 2-month free trial of Mekari Jurnal

Save 30%

Simulation for Pro package:

IDR 399,000/month/account
IDR 279,000/month/account*
Pro (3-10 accounts)

Get free consultation for Jurnal implementation, as well as a free trial of Jurnal for 1 month

Save 20%

Simulation for Pro package:


“Previously, we did not have a user management system. After using Jurnal, each branch or division has different access so that every activity is recorded and can be accountable.”

Mekari Jurnal
Co-founder & CPSO BARDI Smarthome
Error in entry for each reporting period
Risk of manual data input errors

Manage your multi-branch business better

Schedule a meeting with our consultants who are ready to provide solutions to your business problems

Mekari Jurnal
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