Tax Report

Record taxes in accordance with regulations

Jurnal ensures your financial records are accurate and in accordance with tax regulations in Indonesia

sales tax report

Auto tax deduction calculations and reports

Get summary of auto tax calculations with withholding type used in transactions based on tax objects.

Auto tax deduction calculations and reports
Auto sales tax calculation and report

Auto sales tax calculation and report

Monitor sales activity with tax reports. Get summary of tax calculations adjusted to transaction type

Benefits of Jurnal’s tax report

Easier for all tax needs with automatic tax report feature to save more time

Auto tax calculation

Auto tax calculation

No more tax calculations manually with Journal auto tax calculation

Simply easy

Simply easy

Integrated with Klik Pajak, the official partner of the DJP to pay and manage taxes even easier

Reduce human error

Reduce human error

Automatic system minimizes errors in payment and tax management

Manage more tax reports

Effective and efficient process to create and manage various types of tax reports and auto withdrawn

  • Create each tax report
  • Create multiple tax reports
  • Change the type of existing tax report

Grow your business with Mekari Jurnal
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