Mekari Klikpajak Integration

Integration for automated financial and taxation management

Speeding up processes from tax invoice preparation to reconciliation with automation.

Trusted by 35,000+ businesses in Southeast Asia

Why do businesses integrate Mekari Jurnal with Mekari Klikpajak

complete and full features dashboard

Manage finances and taxation conveniently

Handle bookkeeping, payments, and tax reporting all in one place

management process

Automate tax invoicing and reconciliation

Import Mekari Jurnal transaction data into Mekari Klikpajak seamslessly

strategy and scheduling

Prevent recording & calculation errors

Integration ensures consistency and accuracy in every transaction

Tax recording and calculation is faster and more accurate

Automate tax invoice creation from Mekari Jurnal

  • All tax-inclusive transaction data in Mekari Jurnal will be automatically recorded
  • Utilize the Tax Report in Mekari Jurnal as a corporate tax list
  • No need for manual recording, calculation, and input, which are prone to errors
otomasi pembuatan pajak

Pay taxes directly within the application

  • Create official DJP Billing IDs and pay taxes with Virtual Account (VA) or direct bank transfer in one application
  • Make payments directly without needing to switch applications.
  • No need for manual calculations anymore as the payment amount is calculated automatically
bayar pajak

Automatic tax reporting reconciliation

  • Simply choose Mekari Jurnal transaction data into Mekari Klikpajak, and reconciliation is automatically completed
  • No need for time-consuming and inaccurate manual reconciliation
rekonsiliasi invoice

Filing annual corporate tax returns (SPT) is easier

  • No need to input data again. Create annual tax returns directly from approved tax invoices/withholding receipts
  • Tax reporting is faster with the automation of tax invoice creation and reconciliation.
surat setoran pajak

Relish various benefits from reliable features

Sinkronisasi dengan akuntansi

Comprehensive tax features

Access eFaktur, unified eTax slips, eBilling, and eFiling in one application


Mekari Jurnal is ISO 27001 certified and Mekari Klikpajak is an official DJP partner (PJAP)

buat atau assembly

Cloud-based application

No need for installation. Every accounting/tax team can access it simultaneously

menu upload

Access within one application

Mekari Klikpajak can be accessed directly within the Mekari Jurnal

User Management

Manage access and limitations for each user of Mekari Jurnal and Mekari Klikpajak


Intuitive platform

Mekari Jurnal and Mekari Klikpajak are designed to be easily understood by beginners

“I chose Jurnal because it doesn’t require installation and can be used anywhere. Moreover, Jurnal is integrated with taxation, making it easier to create company tax reports.”

Owner of Wijaya Musik Indonesia


What is the integration of Mekari Jurnal and Klikpajak?

The integration of Mekari Jurnal and Klikpajak is a feature where Klikpajak can be accessed directly within Mekari Jurnal for ease of financial and taxation management.

By utilizing the online tax management capabilities of Mekari Klikpajak, you can manage various tax activities all from one application.

– File taxes online using e-Filing
– Pay taxes online using e-Billing
– Create tax invoices using e-Faktur
– Issue tax withholding certificates using e-Bupot

Integration of Mekari Klikpajak with the online accounting application Mekari Jurnal makes the process of financial reporting to tax reporting much more convenient.

Yes, the data that can be imported into the online tax application Klikpajak is sales invoice data created in to be generated as outgoing invoices in Klikpajak.

Yes, please watch it at the following YouTube link.

You can also learn more in-depth features on the Mekari Klikpajak website

Mekari Klikpajak is ISO 27001 certified, ensuring the security and confidentiality of your tax data. All data, documents, and transaction history will be securely stored within the Mekari Klikpajak online tax system.

Mekari Klikpajak is also registered as an official partner of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP), with an official DJP license SK KEP-545/PJ/2022.

The Online Tax Application from Mekari Klikpajak is regularly updated in accordance with applicable regulations. By using Mekari Klikpajak, you can manage various tax activities all in one application.

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